Fishermen Ministries & Outreach was founded in 2003 with three primary purposes, namely, to make Jesus Christ known, to promote a biblical view of work, and to facilitate awareness of meaningful employment opportunities for individuals living in economically impacted areas.  As an area of special interest, FM&O has worked with local, state, and federal agencies to assist reentrants in their return to their respective communities.

We believe that in order to fulfill our purposes, our services should be offered to all who need them, regardless of whether or not the individual served subscribes to our beliefs, since, as James wrote in his letter,  “Show me your faith without works and I will show you faith by my works.” 

Since 2003, Fishermen Ministries has placed hundreds of people in new or better jobs. On average the people we have served received well above the minimum wage and have stayed in these positions at least six months, with many exceeding a year. 

For those reentrants who have completed our talent development programs, the rate of recidivism is significantly less than local and national averages.  Previously, we have worked with other faith based organizations to provide job placement assistance and counseling, assisted in program participant-owned business creation, and have operated state sponsored employment centers.

As a leader in reentry, Fishermen Ministries is always seeking to find ways to better serve the community and fulfill the Great Commission.

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